Women and Finance

Low-income women face multiple challenges. They're often the first to be pulled out of school to support the family, limited in their decision making about their lives, and more likely to share a smartphone than own one. This limits their ability to engage in the world of finance, to send or receive money without help from men, or to own assets of their own. Despite this, we're seeing women demand inclusion. By designing for women's Financial Confidence, women can build greater resilience and prosperity for themselves and their families.

Designed in collaboration with:

When a woman sees a digital financial product, she may be wondering...

...is this for me? Do other women in my community use this?

...will I have to spend a lot of money and time to use this?

…can this help me earn more money for my family?

…is my money safe here? How easy is it to access my money?

…do I need to get permission to use this from someone in my family?

…will my personal and financial information be kept private?

Moments that matter