Creating Access for Others

Help her inspire and support other the women around her

Principles at a glance

  • 01

    Invest in women agents

  • 02

    Embed multiple approaches of support to help her succeed

  • 03

    Provide shortcuts to increase her efficiency

Principles in action

Invest in women agents

Principle 01

In all communities, there are pioneering women who break the ceiling, for themselves and those around them. They tend to become influencers, improving their own lives and the lives of those around them. They are conscientious entrepreneurs who can help other women start a business, get a job, get started on their financial journey, or get unstuck in their personal lives.

Integrate women agents as a channel to build on the existing ways that women are providing access, driving local economies, and unlocking opportunity for other women.

Principle 02

Embed multiple models of support to help her succeed

Women agents often need nonstandard support, ranging from access to working capital (due to limited access to formal finance) to ongoing help when things may not be running right. To set her up for success, teach business skills and give her access to critical information and capital as she progresses in her journey as an entrepreneur, community leader or influencer.

Principle 03

Provide shortcuts to increase her efficiency

Most agent businesses rely on high-frequency transactions and a steady stream of customers. For women agents, they may be running their business while simultaneously running the home, supporting a family, and caring for children. These competing priorities mean women agents are constantly juggling with limited time and bandwidth.

Design for her busy workflow with shortcuts that optimize high-volume transactions, as well as features that help her strengthen loyal-customer relationships that anchor her business.

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Women x Finance