KYC & Signup

Make compliance feel convenient when it comes to signup and identity verification

Principles at a glance

  • 01

    Build for progressive KYC

  • 02

    Signpost where users are, what’s next, and what comes later

  • 03

    Assist users in filling out their profile quickly

Principles in action

Build for progressive Know-Your-Customer experiences

Principle 01

A multi-step onboarding process can be off-putting for users who don’t yet understand the value of your product. If you require a longer KYC flow, consider breaking it into smaller chunks, or build a pre-KYC experience that previews the product and highlights benefits that will be available once users invest in completing KYC.

Principle 02

Signpost where users are, what’s next, and what comes later

KYC processes often require users to set aside a significant amount of time and to have official documents on hand, like national identity cards or tax information. Flagging these before a user starts the process will help them be better prepared and to avoid stops and starts. During lengthy flows, show users their progress and milestones to reduce churn and incomplete or incorrect signups.

Principle 03

Assist users in filling out their profile quickly

Self-onboarding is something you can build up to, but often not where you should start. Last mile users have varying levels of textual literacy and digital confidence. In-person or virtual assistance can help users feel more supported and empowered as they start to take their first steps.

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in Discovery And Onboarding